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When did you switch to the vegan/plant-based diet?

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I went to college and became a registered nurse. As I was first working I wanted to understand about health. I was married and decided that working and raising children did not work for me. I choose to be a stay home mom and started reading health books. This took me on a very long journey of religion, traditions, and lies that needed to be removed from my perception. I am 72 now, divorced 18 years, retired, play league tennis on 2 leagues, writer of the book “Celebrating our Creators truth of love, life and light.” The second addition will be coming out in September, 2024 on Amazon. Since I was 32 I have been vegetarian and as I aged and internet became so accessible I learned from many people. The books that lead me to better health in my 30 and 40 was Fit for Life, Braggs books, The Essene Gosple of Peace, Mucusless Diet Healing System, and Natural Hygiene by Herbert M Shelton. I was very much a student of the bible as I was always looking for truth. Thankfully, King David left the aleph-tav in Psalms 119 which led me to study the light letters until I was released from the hold of the lies of the world and all its boxes. Health, truth, peace, love, light, life all are from our Creator and not a manmade god of religion. I live a simple quiet life, sharing when memory and opportunity shows itself to be beneficial and healthy. I take no medications, no vaccines, and have no medical doctor.

Thirty six years ago, I would have died. I was only 44 years old and had just been diagnosed with severe heart disease, high blood pressure, Thyroid Cancer, pre diabetes and I was almost 55 lbs. overweight. I was an aerobic instructor teaching 25 classes of aerobics per week. I thought I was eating a healthy diet of chicken, cheese, yogurt and ice cream. Luckily for me, my then new neighbor told me about Dr. John McDougall and I read his book. I could not believe that his patients were all getting over cancer, heart disease, diabetes and all chronic diseases. I jumped right in and never went back for more radiation and now I have perfect health. I just had to change to a starch based, whole food plant exclusive diet without oil. Now, at 80 I have great health and energy and still teach aerobics.

I was tired of being tired, so i switched to a plant based an diet & i feel great!

As a Vegan even Covid 19 can’t shake my immunity and positively thinking neither can any other variant be it a usb kick box it can’t dim this switch. I even feel my Melanoma can all be cured if one lives day by day on a fruit and plant based diet. I eat a plant based diet and most of all this brings me a sense of good Karma, I respect life and all sentient beings as being equally entitled to life. And as a person of faith Human dominion over Animals means for me, as we should interpret it….we must nurture and care for them when they require it by being their care takers and for me this means being anti-specism. I do not eat mammals as a mammal myself for me that is likened to cannibalism. I prefer to mangey leaf.

I had pretty high blood pressure but I was refusing to go on medication for it. Went plant based in 2015 after watching “Forks & Knives” on TV. In 2016 tightened it up better by following Dr. Joel Fuhran’s Nutritarian eating plan to forever protect myself from cardiovascular disease. Never felt better at the now age of 75 years young!

I’m 65 and I find that I still have a lot of energy. I do vigorous hiking and I still love competitive sports.

By Bob & Fran German

We are both in our 80’s & all about healthy aging with a whole food plant-based eating lifestyle! We have two stories to tell.

Fran’s story …

In 1992 I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis & told that it was incurable, I’d have to be on drugs for the rest of my life, and that my lifespan would be shortened. I was prescribed prednisone & Mestinon and was told that there wasn’t much else that could be done.  I suffered from severe double vision, had difficulty with my speech and swallowing, and at times I was extremely weak.

Over the next 14 years, I saw 11 different neurologists! Not one suggested a change in lifestyle, including diet, as a possible remedy.

Then, in 2006, I heard a nutritionist speak.  He explained that eating animal products compromise the immune system and recommended that patients with any autoimmune disease switch to a whole food plant-based diet.  I immediately did so and in just a few months I was off all medications and no longer had any symptoms!

It is now 15 years later and I feel safe in saying that I no longer have this ‘incurable’ disease and take no medicines at all!

Bob’s story …

In 2006, I learned that I had a small tumor on the outside of my left kidney.  My urologist advised me to have it removed asap. I had cryoablation surgery, a procedure that froze the tumor off. Unfortunately, it turned out to be malignant.

The surgeon said he got the entire growth but explained that this type of tumor has been known to return. He never brought up the idea of changing what I ate could help prevent a recurrence of my cancer.

I also adopted a whole food plant-based diet as a means of prevention and have been cancer-free for 15 years! WFPB is the way to go!

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I have been plant based for nearly eight years. I previously had high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, I was 80 pounds overweight and had four heart procedures. My blood pressure is normal, my lipids are now excellent and I lost 70 of the 80 pounds. My type 2 diabetes is much better controlled and my life is much better than it was when I gave up animal products.

I had terminal thyroid cancer in my late 30’s to early 40’s and also a few auto immune diseases such as Hashimoto’s, Hypothyroidism, dry eye disease and also had heart palpitations. After making my plant based diet more alkaline, cutting out all white sugar/vinegar/rice/ refined white flour and roasted nuts; then also doing a liver cleanse to remove all stones from my organs such as gull stones so that my organs could work at full capacity and especially heal at full capacity all disease including my cancer completely dissipated.

I was overweight all my life. My family always shamed me for being fat, even though I wasn’t especially by todays standards. I struggled with weight loss but could never get the extra 50 pounds off. My cholesterol and triglycerides were off the charts, yet I did not want to take meds, Once I changed to a WFPB no SOS diet I lost the weight and my bloodwork normalized. I used to work out every day, I participated in vigorous activities like backpacking to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and climbing the highest mountain in Colorado, yet the weight loss only came after changing my diet.

I was working as a meat eater environmentalist and I was proud of my work as working for planet was my passion. Then happened Cowspiracy and it gave me shock of my life. Shock caused a change and I became vegan 6 years back. This change brought a lot of positive impact within me such as better sleep, sense of purpose, higher energy level and better performance. Since then I never looked back and became a voice for this cause. 3 years after I found that just being a voice for this won’t be enough. I need to provide solutions to the people and their cravings for non vegan food. Hence along with my friends we started Ubuntu Community – The vegan cafe. Do refer the video to see what kind of changes we are bringing through our food brand. And with so much love received, we are opening at more locations.

Been a vegetarian since 94′ and vegan since 2000. Best thing I’ve done for my body.

I was a couch potato who woke up one day to need a stent put in my heart at 56 years young. Depressed, dissatisfied with life, I only got worse and added anger to my list of ailments until at 61, it happened. I had open heart surgery and I survived. I know many people aren’t so fortunate. I remember telling the surgical nurse as I’m being wheeled in the operating room that, if I survived, I would run a marathon within a year.

I healed, trained and did it in 7 months. I went on to run the Boston Marathon, Chicago Marathon, climb Mt. Kailesh and Mt. Kilimanjaro, rode 100 mile bike rides, completed triathlons, skydiving, white water rafting, and so much more which I had never done before. It’s because I found out about, researched and got educated about the benefits of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle. With all the athletic things I have done, my heart has not failed me and I am so grateful for that.

Today, I’m a practicing physician, an author, speaker, septuagenarian athlete, and a plant-based vegan lifestyle advocate. I speak all around the world to groups and at conferences educating about the benefits of this healthy lifestyle for heart and overall health.

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Lives Impacted: 3,303

A Plant-Based Lifestyle has helped with:

Anxiety : 1,049 Arthritis : 749 Autoimmune disease : 499 Blood Pressure : 1,083 Cancer : 236 Cardiovascular Disease : 424 Cholesterol &/or Triglycerides : 1,297 Depression : 919 Digestive Health : 1,768 Energy Levels : 1,915 HGB A1C : 361 Pre-Diabetes : 406 Prescriptions : 520 Sexual Performance : 457 Skin Health Issues : 1,058 Sleep : 1,140 Type-2 diabetes : 204 Weight-loss : 1,827 Women's Health Issues : 587