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Deb B

Conditions Improved

When did you switch to the vegan/plant-based diet?

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ive experienced overall wellbeing after transation

Thirty six years ago, I would have died. I was only 44 years old and had just been diagnosed with severe heart disease, high blood pressure, Thyroid Cancer, pre diabetes and I was almost 55 lbs. overweight. I was an aerobic instructor teaching 25 classes of aerobics per week. I thought I was eating a healthy diet of chicken, cheese, yogurt and ice cream. Luckily for me, my then new neighbor told me about Dr. John McDougall and I read his book. I could not believe that his patients were all getting over cancer, heart disease, diabetes and all chronic diseases. I jumped right in and never went back for more radiation and now I have perfect health. I just had to change to a starch based, whole food plant exclusive diet without oil. Now, at 80 I have great health and energy and still teach aerobics.

I actually did it! I broke free from eating animals and animal products! And I love it!

So many things have healed in my body since going plant based. My dry skin and scalp have healed. My digestive issues have improved so much and my blood pressure is healthy now.

I will share only one of the many benefits a WFPB diet gave me. For over 15 years I strenuously trained in those chi kung and tai chi exercises without ever being able to settle and build up, harness and circulate my mind/energy/chi throughout my body in a natural, easy and smooth way. All this started to change when I adopted a WFPB lifestyle almost 4 years ago 🙂 I can now teach what I learned, finally…

Plant-based since 1994, except for 6 backslid years, which I regret. Diet For a New America, by John Robbins, was my inspiration. I feel more energy and have kept a healthier weight on a plant-based diet.

I used to believe that being vegetarian was enough, then being vegan. I now know that WFPB is the best for my health and the world’s health.
PS I love animals too much to ever eat them or any animal products.

I was pre-diabetic and not overweight and only 55. I wanted to lose a few pounds and stop eating sugar. A friend got me listening to the food revolution summit and those interviews kept me motivated to eat better. I’m order to stay motivated I wanted to keep listening and being educated. That’s when I found the PlantStrong podcast that I now listen to everyday. I’ve lost 13 pounds, which was a lot for me and I feel great. I REALLY want to find a way to help others change their lifestyle now.

I was pre-diabetic and not overweight and only 55. I wanted to lose a few pounds and stop eating sugar. A friend got me listening to the food revolution summit and those interviews kept me motivated to eat better. I’m order to stay motivated I wanted to keep listening and being educated. That’s when I found the PlantStrong podcast that I now listen to everyday. I’ve lost 13 pounds, which was a lot for me and I feel great. I REALLY want to find a way to help others change their lifestyle now.

I started a WFPB diet last October of 2021 due to becoming more and more overweight after my first child was born. I know I needed to make a change and be the best version of myself for my kid and also my wife and family. I’m still learning so much but have gained a tremendous amount of positive feedback from this new lifestyle.

I watched my parents with deformed hands from arthritis. My dad is suffering from DM II, as did so many of his family members. I looked my hands, finger joints hurt and my knees crepitus. My feet were burning and toe nails curl. I’m only my fifties and I was feeling old and depressed. I used to have constipation, frequency of every 3 to 7 days with lots of bloating. I transitioned to Whole Foods plant based diet over 10 years. Was stuck eating fish for a while because my husband’s doctor keep telling him he needs fish for his cholesterol. Felt much better now. I have more energy, I sleep better, joints no longer crepitus nor inflamed, regular bowel movements daily, anxiety went away, and my feet are no longer burning. I can go running once again �

In November of 2019 I hit my highest weight, and my doctor put me on statins because of long-standing high cholesterol that kept going up. I was raised vegetarian and have been health conscious all of my life, but didn’t understand the problems with processed vegan foods, or eggs and cheese. One month of statins was enough to show both me and my doctor that I was not a good candidate for them, and that I must find another way to lower my cholesterol. I found Forks Over Knives in late December, and started following that in January of 2020. This was such a providential move, because in just a couple of months covid would change our world. I believe that my change in eating helped me to do relatively well when I did get covid, but just as important, my weight finally started to drop after years of trying every diet around, and my cholesterol dropped to normal. I lost 35 pounds that year and have been able to maintain most of that loss, a first for me. I am so grateful to be able to avoid statins and all other prescriptions (except thyroid due to a thyroidectomy) at age 66. I am not perfect with the SOS-free, but I do avoid oil, flour, and sugar almost all of the time. My salads are huge, and I eat vegetables in their natural form in quantities I couldn’t have imagined a few years ago. Both my husband and I are in excellent health as a result of this transition, though I would still like to lose another 20 pounds or so. I am learning to focus more on my health than on the scale, and to trust the plan for the long term.

I lost over 100 pounds at age 60 and eliminated all health problems by eating Whole Food Plant Based and following Chef AJ who helped me learn to make healthy delicious for free on YouTube.

I was tired of being tired, so i switched to a plant based an diet & i feel great!


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Lives Impacted: 3,301

A Plant-Based Lifestyle has helped with:

Anxiety : 1,048 Arthritis : 749 Autoimmune disease : 499 Blood Pressure : 1,082 Cancer : 236 Cardiovascular Disease : 423 Cholesterol &/or Triglycerides : 1,296 Depression : 918 Digestive Health : 1,767 Energy Levels : 1,914 HGB A1C : 360 Pre-Diabetes : 405 Prescriptions : 519 Sexual Performance : 457 Skin Health Issues : 1,057 Sleep : 1,140 Type-2 diabetes : 203 Weight-loss : 1,826 Women's Health Issues : 587