Gentle World: 50-Year Vegan Community


What does the word vegan mean to you? For Light and Angel of Gentle World, it means joy, hope, and change for the better. Join us for this special presentation as they share the journey of the world’s oldest vegan intentional community. It all began 50 years ago, when there was no label, and no outreach to advocate for animals or share the news about choosing a vegan lifestyle. Since then, Gentle World has worked to educate the public about the benefits of vegan living, and how to go about making such a transition all with the goal to help build a more peaceful society. Member-volunteers have created free content, held events, cooking and gardening classes, and private consultations. This is an enlightening, encouraging discussion you don’t want to miss. They will share why: Becoming vegan is a joy, not a deprivation. Vegan is much more than a diet — It changes us, for the better, at our core. The rising tide of vegans is a reason to be hopeful for the future.

Lives Impacted: 3,303

A Plant-Based Lifestyle has helped with:

Anxiety : 1,049 Arthritis : 749 Autoimmune disease : 499 Blood Pressure : 1,083 Cancer : 236 Cardiovascular Disease : 424 Cholesterol &/or Triglycerides : 1,297 Depression : 919 Digestive Health : 1,768 Energy Levels : 1,915 HGB A1C : 361 Pre-Diabetes : 406 Prescriptions : 520 Sexual Performance : 457 Skin Health Issues : 1,058 Sleep : 1,140 Type-2 diabetes : 204 Weight-loss : 1,827 Women's Health Issues : 587