Compassionate Disagreement with Anne Piotrowski & Suzanne McAllister PhD


We are happy to welcome Anne Piotrowski and Suzanne McAllister PhD back as we had technical issues on Jan 28th. Some advocates for veganism get attention through aggressive, destructive or violent behavior. While they get headlines, they don’t often change other’s views. Yet a casual conversation can also be challenging when sharing the benefits of a vegan/plant-based lifestyle. How can you bridge the communication gap? Join us as vegan activist and certified counselor Anne Piotrowski will share how to shift the focus of vegan advocacy from conflict to connection by applying self-compassion, empathy, and nonviolent communication. You’ll learn: · How to apply non-violent communication · The importance of self-compassion that expands outward · Compassion as a practice that improves over time Here is the link for the workshop booklet… Anne Piotrowski is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) and a vegan activist, blogger, and co-founder of The PAUW Project, (Post-Animal-Use-World) with fellow activist, Suzanne McAllister, PhD. Suzanne McAllister, PhD is a co-creator of the PAUW Project. She ’woke up’ to the horrors of the food industry in 2005 and over the course of that year transitioned to veganism. She created a YouTube Channel – Post Animal Use World and has been actively involved in efforts to retire the captive orca at Miami Seaquarium as well as active in Vegan Spirituality Group (VSG) of Philadelphia and various other groups.

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A Plant-Based Lifestyle has helped with:

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