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Taryn R

Conditions Improved

Autoimmune disease
When did you switch to the vegan/plant-based diet?

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Thirty six years ago, I would have died. I was only 44 years old and had just been diagnosed with severe heart disease, high blood pressure, Thyroid Cancer, pre diabetes and I was almost 55 lbs. overweight. I was an aerobic instructor teaching 25 classes of aerobics per week. I thought I was eating a healthy diet of chicken, cheese, yogurt and ice cream. Luckily for me, my then new neighbor told me about Dr. John McDougall and I read his book. I could not believe that his patients were all getting over cancer, heart disease, diabetes and all chronic diseases. I jumped right in and never went back for more radiation and now I have perfect health. I just had to change to a starch based, whole food plant exclusive diet without oil. Now, at 80 I have great health and energy and still teach aerobics.

Went vegan almost ten years ago after watching What The Health and it was the best decision I’ve ever made! I do it for the animals for the planet and for my health!

I actually did it! I broke free from eating animals and animal products! And I love it!

I’ve been vegan for 11 years and WFPB for about 5 years of that. I am certified in plant-based nutrition from eCornell, and am trained in vegan cooking and desserts from Rouxbe cooking school. My family is also vegan (husband and two kids).

Going vegan has changed my life…literally!

Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at 41 ( an inflammatory autoimmune disease inflames the large bowel) and was given the same drug by the physician as was prescribed to my mother 40 years prior. I asked how the drug works and he said “we don’t know”. It did not help and I suffered for 4 more years. I decided to stop the meds and went vegetarian. Two weeks later, like a switch, the symptoms disappeared ( cramping and running to the toilet 10+ times daily). That was 2012 and I still have great bowel health today. Best decision EVER!

All my life ive been overweight. Heart disease and high cholesterol seems to plague the majority of family members. Switching to a WFPB diet has made it possible for me to maintain a 100 lb weight loss for over 6 years. Also, I’ve lowered my A1c from 6.2 to 5.4 and my cholesterol from 289 to 190.
An added plus is my grocery bill. I can buy staples like rice and beans in bulk and some variety of greens and fruit are almost always on sale at my local grocery store.
People see my before snd after pictures and always say it doesn’t look like the same person.

I lost over 100 pounds at age 60 and eliminated all health problems by eating Whole Food Plant Based and following Chef AJ who helped me learn to make healthy delicious for free on YouTube.

Diagnosis with type 1 diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure, autoimmune disorder.
Whole Foods plant base has managed this and weight loss as well! No animal products!

I was tired of being tired, so i switched to a plant based an diet & i feel great!

I have been diagnosed with Sjögren’s syndrome/Lupus. The doctors want me on medication and to take medication for the side effects that the medications would cause. Years ago, I had Guillain-Barre. I was paralyzed from the neck down and in the hospital for over 2 months. Being disabled was terrifying. It is scary when your body no longer works. I want to do all I can to live life to the fullest. I am vegan and gluten free. I am on no medications. I exercise regularly and have lots of energy for a 55 year old woman.

As a Vegan even Covid 19 can’t shake my immunity and positively thinking neither can any other variant be it a usb kick box it can’t dim this switch. I even feel my Melanoma can all be cured if one lives day by day on a fruit and plant based diet. I eat a plant based diet and most of all this brings me a sense of good Karma, I respect life and all sentient beings as being equally entitled to life. And as a person of faith Human dominion over Animals means for me, as we should interpret it….we must nurture and care for them when they require it by being their care takers and for me this means being anti-specism. I do not eat mammals as a mammal myself for me that is likened to cannibalism. I prefer to mangey leaf.

Eventhough I am not on a 100% WFPB, most of my food is home cooked and WFPB. I lost 8 KG in a matter of a few weeks as I stopped consuming all the dairy (I was vegetarian before) now I feel lightweight, in head and body. I have more energy and stamina. Sleep cycle has improved, skin and digestive problems are gone. I am in a much better state than before.

It is impossible to fathom the benefits of living “guilt free” until it is experienced.

Living in a self destructive way is the definition of addiction.

The positive healing changes are in every aspect of life and in all dimensions.

I have inner peace, healed issues otherwise uncurable, saved time and money and made real friends based on infinite love and gratitude.


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Lives Impacted: 3,301

A Plant-Based Lifestyle has helped with:

Anxiety : 1,048 Arthritis : 749 Autoimmune disease : 499 Blood Pressure : 1,082 Cancer : 236 Cardiovascular Disease : 423 Cholesterol &/or Triglycerides : 1,296 Depression : 918 Digestive Health : 1,767 Energy Levels : 1,914 HGB A1C : 360 Pre-Diabetes : 405 Prescriptions : 519 Sexual Performance : 457 Skin Health Issues : 1,057 Sleep : 1,140 Type-2 diabetes : 203 Weight-loss : 1,826 Women's Health Issues : 587