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Saravanan R

Conditions Improved

Skin Health Issues
When did you switch to the vegan/plant-based diet?

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Thirty six years ago, I would have died. I was only 44 years old and had just been diagnosed with severe heart disease, high blood pressure, Thyroid Cancer, pre diabetes and I was almost 55 lbs. overweight. I was an aerobic instructor teaching 25 classes of aerobics per week. I thought I was eating a healthy diet of chicken, cheese, yogurt and ice cream. Luckily for me, my then new neighbor told me about Dr. John McDougall and I read his book. I could not believe that his patients were all getting over cancer, heart disease, diabetes and all chronic diseases. I jumped right in and never went back for more radiation and now I have perfect health. I just had to change to a starch based, whole food plant exclusive diet without oil. Now, at 80 I have great health and energy and still teach aerobics.

Went vegan almost ten years ago after watching What The Health and it was the best decision I’ve ever made! I do it for the animals for the planet and for my health!

I rid myself of health anxiety 7 years ago and changed my perception to risk of non communicable diseases. I am 100% plant based and 90% whole foods plant based. My family eats and lives like this too. Its truly empowering.

So many things have healed in my body since going plant based. My dry skin and scalp have healed. My digestive issues have improved so much and my blood pressure is healthy now.

My journey began like most with a carnivore diet or standard American Diet (S.A.D). I used to love my meats medium rare. I used to love eating McDonalds for convenience. I used to eat dairy. You Tube shaped my life towards WFPB one unrelated video to another and the pop up video suggestions somehow led me to Dr Brooke Goldner’s story on how she healed herself from her autoimmune immune disease while becoming a doctor. Evidence based information appealed most to me and when I trusted the evidence I progressed to listen to other people’s personal health journeys on related vegan, Whole Foods plant based, and raw vegans stories. I am a Chinese female who came to America when I was 5 years old and Luckily before the age of 47, my lab work were all normal levels. My blood pressure and energy level were my only concern and was not on any prescribed medications. I only recently this year 2022 at 47 years old start my whole food-raw plant based lifestyle as an self experiment. I am 48 now and have been transitioning well with 95% whole food raw plant based diet and 5% seafood or poultry (social family gatherings). I had notice without cardiovascular exercise that my blood pressure remains steadily around 115/75. The biggest difference I notice is in my maintain level of energy throughout the day. I hike mountains and I used to load up on a heavy meal before the activity but now I either fast, hydrate with coconut water or have a green drink before hiking and I have not feared my energy getting depleted during the exercise up to 2-3 hours long. I do listen to my body’s needs and it has served me well. I will continue to maintain my lifestyle and eventually be 100% whole food raw plant based but for now I am happy with results and knowing I am my biggest preventer of my own demise. I hope my story reaches someone.

I will share only one of the many benefits a WFPB diet gave me. For over 15 years I strenuously trained in those chi kung and tai chi exercises without ever being able to settle and build up, harness and circulate my mind/energy/chi throughout my body in a natural, easy and smooth way. All this started to change when I adopted a WFPB lifestyle almost 4 years ago 🙂 I can now teach what I learned, finally…

I have recently started while plant based diet and lost 14 kgs in just four months. Also, my sleep has improved. I am getting better at energy level and memory retention.

My husband, children and I all went WFPB immediately after reading The Whole Foods Diet: The Lifesaving Plan for Health and Longevity. I then dove into more research for months on end and had to figure out how to cook again. My hot flashes disappeared! My plantar fasciitis disappeared! My husband’s high blood pressure was reversed! While listening to plant-based podcasts, I ended up learning about the horrors of animal agriculture for the animals, and the environment. As a result, 7 months after going plant-based I became and ethical vegan and animal rights activist. I’ve now have a curated-content podcast, Plant Based Briefing, where I narrate articles, with permission, on all things plant-based and vegan related in 10 minutes per day.

I used to believe that being vegetarian was enough, then being vegan. I now know that WFPB is the best for my health and the world’s health.
PS I love animals too much to ever eat them or any animal products.

All my life ive been overweight. Heart disease and high cholesterol seems to plague the majority of family members. Switching to a WFPB diet has made it possible for me to maintain a 100 lb weight loss for over 6 years. Also, I’ve lowered my A1c from 6.2 to 5.4 and my cholesterol from 289 to 190.
An added plus is my grocery bill. I can buy staples like rice and beans in bulk and some variety of greens and fruit are almost always on sale at my local grocery store.
People see my before snd after pictures and always say it doesn’t look like the same person.

I lost over 100 pounds at age 60 and eliminated all health problems by eating Whole Food Plant Based and following Chef AJ who helped me learn to make healthy delicious for free on YouTube.

I be some vegetarian at 13 and became mostly vegan in college or in my 20’s. I’m 46 now and I have avoided major Health issues

I went vegan seven years ago and have never looked back.

I am healthier, have more energy and full of joy.

I can tell you and show you all you want but you have to try it for yourself to really understand how amazing this lifestyle is �

I have been a vegetarian for 30 years and a vegan for the past 8 years. Because of this lifestyle choice, I just turned 66 and have no medical issues whatsoever. I teach power yoga, run a dog rescue, hike, bike and kayak. My three dogs are also vegan and are in the best health ever!!!! I chose the lifestyle because of ethics but continue the lifestyle for the health and environmental benefits. I encourage everyone to give it a try. Your life will be vastly improved!!!


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Lives Impacted: 3,301

A Plant-Based Lifestyle has helped with:

Anxiety : 1,048 Arthritis : 749 Autoimmune disease : 499 Blood Pressure : 1,082 Cancer : 236 Cardiovascular Disease : 423 Cholesterol &/or Triglycerides : 1,296 Depression : 918 Digestive Health : 1,767 Energy Levels : 1,914 HGB A1C : 360 Pre-Diabetes : 405 Prescriptions : 519 Sexual Performance : 457 Skin Health Issues : 1,057 Sleep : 1,140 Type-2 diabetes : 203 Weight-loss : 1,826 Women's Health Issues : 587