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Robin G

Conditions Improved

When did you switch to the vegan/plant-based diet?

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Thirty six years ago, I would have died. I was only 44 years old and had just been diagnosed with severe heart disease, high blood pressure, Thyroid Cancer, pre diabetes and I was almost 55 lbs. overweight. I was an aerobic instructor teaching 25 classes of aerobics per week. I thought I was eating a healthy diet of chicken, cheese, yogurt and ice cream. Luckily for me, my then new neighbor told me about Dr. John McDougall and I read his book. I could not believe that his patients were all getting over cancer, heart disease, diabetes and all chronic diseases. I jumped right in and never went back for more radiation and now I have perfect health. I just had to change to a starch based, whole food plant exclusive diet without oil. Now, at 80 I have great health and energy and still teach aerobics.

I’m a 63 year-old male, 22 or better BMI most of my life and I’ve had atrial fibrillation for 32 years. The AF started as paroxysmal and had become permanent in the past ten years or so. About 8 months ago I stated having angina, I had 225 total cholesterol and 133 LDL and was pre-diabetic. I could no longer hike the mountains around my home that I loved and instead hiked a bit and read a book in the forest. Four months ago, an angiogram showed 50-60% blockage in my LAD. Thankfully, no stent was needed but I changed to a WFPB, no oil lifestyle and within the first two weeks lost the angina, after two months I had 126 Total Cholesterol and 58 LDL (without statins), in the “heart-attack” proof category and am so relieved. I’m again able to hike mountains that I’ve not done for at least ten years. I follow Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s advice closely and am very thankful to a friend who got off his medications after a triple bypass following this lifestyle who shared this information with me. I’ve had a steady heart rate and minimal AF as revealed by an EKG two months after my angiogram. I have more energy, sleep better, have better skin around my back (no little bumps), my gums have healed very quickly after a tooth extraction, recovery after my long hikes that would have taken three or four days now happens overnight. I’m no longer pre-diabetic and my blood sugar is normal even as I stopped taking Metformin. I’m still on medication for my AF and a blood thinner but am hopeful that these can be reduced or stopped when I see my cardiologist in another four months. I feel as if I’m in my thirties again and would love to have others improve their health as well with this simple (but not easy) lifestyle change.

Overweight, not sleeping, low energy and while up all night I found Dr Neal Barnard on YouTube. After one podcast I was hooked. I showed my 91 year old Mother the program and after two weeks of changing our diets she was no longer diabetic according to her doctor. We have each lost a tremendous amount of weight and my husband who is transitioning has lost twenty pounds without trying. Best sleepless night I’ve ever had!

Going vegan has changed my life…literally!

Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at 41 ( an inflammatory autoimmune disease inflames the large bowel) and was given the same drug by the physician as was prescribed to my mother 40 years prior. I asked how the drug works and he said “we don’t know”. It did not help and I suffered for 4 more years. I decided to stop the meds and went vegetarian. Two weeks later, like a switch, the symptoms disappeared ( cramping and running to the toilet 10+ times daily). That was 2012 and I still have great bowel health today. Best decision EVER!

I have been vegan for 3 years, but slipped into bad eating habits during Covid. As a result, I gained 30 pounds and my blood pressure shot up. I realized I needed to get back to basics, and eat truly whole food, plant based. Since February, I have lost 22 pounds, and my blood pressure has returned to normal and I have cut my medications in half. I plan on being able to get off of my medication in the near future.

I lost over 100 pounds at age 60 and eliminated all health problems by eating Whole Food Plant Based and following Chef AJ who helped me learn to make healthy delicious for free on YouTube.

Diagnosis with type 1 diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure, autoimmune disorder.
Whole Foods plant base has managed this and weight loss as well! No animal products!

I went on a plant based diet 10 years ago while taking the T.Colin Campbell course online through Cornell U. My primary reason was to see if I could reduce my LDL cholesterol enough to get off of my statin and I was able to do this very quickly. 10 years later and my LDL is the lowest it’s ever been. I have always been thin and on a plant based diet I had to learn how to eat to keep from losing weight. I also have a life long history of constipation which fully resolved on a plant based diet. I now have a multitude of other reasons to remain plant based. It makes me happy every day to be living an intentional lifestyle consistent with my values.

I was tired of being tired, so i switched to a plant based an diet & i feel great!

I first became vegetarian 24 years ago because I am a huge animal lover and immediately lost weight and had increased energy. However I still experienced severe sinus infections – often taking antibiotics several times a year but nothing helped.
About 7 years ago after watching a video showing the cruelty of the dairy industry I immediately stopped consuming all dairy products and immediately noticed my sinus problems improving.
Since that time I have not had a sinus infection and I have not taken a single antibiotic. I am convinced that dairy products are not meant for humans and are in fact toxic.
Going fully vegan was the best decision I have ever made.

I first became vegetarian 24 years ago because I am a huge animal lover and immediately lost weight and had increased energy. However I still experienced severe sinus infections – often taking antibiotics several times a year but nothing helped.
About 7 years ago after watching a video showing the cruelty of the dairy industry I immediately stopped consuming all dairy products and immediately noticed my sinus problems improving.
Since that time I have not had a sinus infection and I have not taken a single antibiotic. I am convinced that dairy products are not meant for humans and are in fact toxic.
Going fully vegan was the best decision I have ever made.

Since 11/7/21 I have lost 26 lbs , had zero alcohol(102 days) , walked 40000 steps every day, started meditation 1 h minimum per day, ate wfpb no oil , no restaurant food, semi retired and most importantly have started enjoying healthy lifestyle! My waist now is 27.5 inches and bmi 19.7 ! I used to be on two BP meds and still BP was running 130. Now I am off all BP meds and this was BP this morning! It has been running below 106 consistently! I highly recommend this lifestyle! Go wfpb no oil !

It is impossible to fathom the benefits of living “guilt free” until it is experienced.

Living in a self destructive way is the definition of addiction.

The positive healing changes are in every aspect of life and in all dimensions.

I have inner peace, healed issues otherwise uncurable, saved time and money and made real friends based on infinite love and gratitude.


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Lives Impacted: 3,301

A Plant-Based Lifestyle has helped with:

Anxiety : 1,048 Arthritis : 749 Autoimmune disease : 499 Blood Pressure : 1,082 Cancer : 236 Cardiovascular Disease : 423 Cholesterol &/or Triglycerides : 1,296 Depression : 918 Digestive Health : 1,767 Energy Levels : 1,914 HGB A1C : 360 Pre-Diabetes : 405 Prescriptions : 519 Sexual Performance : 457 Skin Health Issues : 1,057 Sleep : 1,140 Type-2 diabetes : 203 Weight-loss : 1,826 Women's Health Issues : 587