Food Additives with Camila Perussello PhD Part 4


Are there words in the ingredient list that you don’t understand? Why are they in our food? Camila Perussello gives us the facts on food additives, their safety, how they are regulated, and answers the bigger question: should we avoid food with additives? Camila Perussello is a Food Engineer with postdoctoral experience in food processing, modelling & simulation, and shelf-life extension. Her main professional interests are sustainable agri-food production, plant-based foods, animal liberation, and climate crisis mitigation through food.

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A Plant-Based Lifestyle has helped with:

Anxiety : 1,049 Arthritis : 749 Autoimmune disease : 499 Blood Pressure : 1,083 Cancer : 236 Cardiovascular Disease : 424 Cholesterol &/or Triglycerides : 1,297 Depression : 919 Digestive Health : 1,768 Energy Levels : 1,915 HGB A1C : 361 Pre-Diabetes : 406 Prescriptions : 520 Sexual Performance : 457 Skin Health Issues : 1,058 Sleep : 1,140 Type-2 diabetes : 204 Weight-loss : 1,827 Women's Health Issues : 587